Sunday, September 18, 2005


One of the joys of living in one place for a long time is that eventually the gardens pay off. There are lots of Colchicums blooming in my garden right now.

And this worked out pretty well in the "Blue and White" garden.

For the record, the morning glories grew in the shade of a black walnut tree - hardly ideal. And with fairly diligent application of deer repellant the 'Casa Blanca' lilies did well.

The Plants for Life sale went well last weekend. Here we are setting up. Truckloads of beautifully grown plants.

Couldn't resist buying some things. Then Sunday, when I went back to help clean up, volunteers were encouraged to take home certain kinds of plants that will not be grown on for next year. I can't believe I ended up with 76 shrubs and perennials, including the ones I bought. I've been all week trying to get them planted. About 15 to go and I need to remove some sod to make room for them.

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