Wednesday, June 21, 2006

If a plant flowers in the woods...

Belinda came back from mowing the trails last weekend with news of an azalea blooming in the woods. Bill planted azaleas grown from seed about thirty years ago, but that area's become overgrown with brush and we don't walk there very often at this time of year. We've long since given up on Rhododendrons and Azaleas because of the deer. So, imagine our surprise to find that these Flame Azaleas are thriving - even self-sowing.

It reminds me of the wild apple in full bloom that we found last year. It's amazing and delightful that we can still find surprises in places we thought we knew so well. It doesn't surprise Bill. He knows the place better than I do yet he always expects to find new things.

1 comment:

Endment said...

Well - the flowers that made it to the posting are breathtaking! Flame Azaleas always stop me in my tracks when I come upon them in the woods... Glad the deer left them :)