Thursday, June 29, 2006

More Need for Riparian Buffer Zones

Our stream joins many others here in Fall Creek where riparian buffer zones become even more important. The goal is to reduce the quantity of pollutants washed into the watershed by heavy rain such as we've had the past few days and to absorb water and reduce its speed when the body of water overruns its banks. To that end, streams are best protected by trees, with brush beyond that and meadow beyond that.


Anonymous said...

I'm just testing this to see if I can log on.

I could not see the word which needed to be copied in either IE or Mozilla, but I can in Firefox. Strange.

Anonymous said...

I have been looking at BLOGs related to riparian management and I came across this one. It seems there are not many sites with this discussion topic. I think people are apathetic about resource management in general, but particularly toward aquatic resource management and riparian management in particular. Especially in the Western U.S. From what I've seen peoople in the Eastern U.S. are primarily concrned with their limitations to developing in riparian areas around lakes and streams. In the West they think it is much about nothing when it comes to grazing management and development. The reality is, as taxpayers, we pay for agencies to educate the public and riparian landowners, we pay for restoration, we pay for enforcement, we pay for lost recreational opportunity (opportunity cost), and we pay for pollution loading reduction plans, yet we watch as destruction of riparian areas through poor land management and lack of enforcement continues. Where does it stop?