Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Months go by

I started this blog to learn how to do it and to encourage myself to write on a regular basis. Some success on both scores. I learned something about blogger and coped with the frustration of things I couldn't do easily. So, I started writing fairly regularly and switched to a word document rather than the blog.

But when I look around a the great things people are doing with blogs, I dream about using mine more -- or better. One of the greatest frustrations in browsing blogs is finding the ones that end abruptly or update rarely. Of course, I've already figured out that pretty much no one will find this blog unless I tell them about it. I'd like to make the blog interesting enough to be worth telling someone about it. I want to be able to use pictures, put favorite links in the sidebar and more.

Trouble is -- so much to do, so little time. I think I should be able to read, draw, paint, take photos, play the piano, garden etc,etc all more or less at once. And still eat, bath and keep a clear path through the house. Oh, and stay current with local and national politics and continue encouraging Maggy and help Bill with his house. Seems like other people do lots of these things -- and sometimes more. Why can't I? I'm not willing to give up any of these things. Does that doom me to doing all of them poorly? I know I get distracted easily, but I don't think my time management is all that bad.

So I've just finished reading Atonement which was fabulous. Dovetailed nicely with The Kite Runners. Main chracters in both recount having done something bad and spending the rest of their lives thinking about it. Both main characters are writers. Both use exquisite language and great ideas.

I've done a few sketches - some nice but nothing spectacular. Painted several color studies and the beginning of a landscape. Okay. I'm learning. Taken some good photos. Printed and framed 2 for the gift exchange at Roz's and they were quite a hit. Printed some greeting cards using one of Bill's paintings and some of my photos. Pretty nice.

Haven't played the piano in a while. I've been to quite a few political meetings and found some worthwhile stuff online. I'm keeping up okay with Maggy and Bill. I'm working on a pretty good garden plan. In fact, browsing for garden blogs is what made me wish my blog was better.

Okay. Time to review priorities and goals. And above all, time to go get groceries 'cause JW's coming for dinner.

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